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  • Prioritize "ease and flow" of vehicle traffic in removal of Stanley Park Bike Lane

    Meeting Date:

    Removing Stanley Park Bike Lane

    A really good example would include the newer and current configuration of the Tea House access, where vehicles can easily drop off those with disabilities, elderly, and family members to the right or the passenger side of their vehicles immediately in front of the restaurant.

    With ease and flow, right?

  • Install speed bumps to slow down speeding bikes

    Meeting Date:

    Response to staff presentation on Stanley Park temporary bike lane options. Report back

    I just noticed that you guys didn't include, I know maybe it wasn't part of the study, but it was a concern because I do go to the park as well.

    And I've heard from other people who've emailed me as well. Speed bumps for cars or vehicles, generally speaking, to slow them down and even bikes that are speeding. Have you guys considered including those when you guys do more of a permit structure?

  • Move Stanley Park Dr. cyclists onto Seawall to mitigate construction impact

    Meeting Date:

    Metro Vancouver Water Tunnel Construction Project in Stanley Park

    Is there a parallel bike lane over by the seawall over here as well? Just to clarify, like I know bikes might be impacted. Is there a parallel, like is there a bike lane along the seawall over here?
    [PB Staff] Yes, there is. Yes. Yeah.
    Okay. And I'm guessing is there easy access back, like from the street onto the seawall, or have you guys considered that to mitigate for traffic, especially for bikes?