Richmond / YVR


Ride your bike in Richmond or around YVR/Sea Island? Interested in local cycling advocacy, education or events? Attend the next Richmond/YVR Local Committee meeting to see what's happening. We're always looking for new members. All are welcome - no experience required!

Join our mailing list via to get regular updates as well as meeting announcements, agendas, and meeting links.

HUB Cycling views the diversity of our members and communities as assets and strive to create and sustain a diverse and culturally competent organization that reflects the populations we serve. This is central to our mission, “to get more people cycling more often”, and to our ongoing efforts to remove barriers to cycling.





Co-chairs: Anna Chow, Donna Kwan, & Jesse Li


Mailing list:

Twitter: @HUBRichmondYVR

Visit the Richmond/YVR Local Committee Wiki for agendas, meeting minutes, and other documents


Monthly, on the 2nd Thursday, 7-8:30 pm (NO MEETING IN DECEMBER)

Location: Alternates between Richmond Caring Place Society, 7000 Minoru Blvd Room 294 and virtual. 
Virtual option to join via Google Meet.
Join our mailing list on to receive meeting announcements, agendas, and links



Get Involved

The committee is looking to fill the following positions:

  • Secretary/Minute-taker
  • Assessment Ride Leader
  • Community Liaison

Please see the Committee Roles and Responsibilities document to see descriptions of roles. Send an email to if you would like to help and take one of these roles!

Join our mailing list on to get updates, meeting announcements, and meeting links. Everyone is welcome, no experience in advocacy or active transportation is required!

2023 Action Plan

Objective One - Advocate for improved biking infrastructure
  • Action(s) to support: Bringing cycling infrastructure gaps to City; Advocating for City to adopt Great Blue Heron way; Campaign targeting businesses and developments to support cycling (storage, bike parking)
  • Benefits: To make Richmond/YVR a more bike-friendly city so that more people will cycle.
  • Lead person or co-leads: Derek, Sheryl, Jesse, Predag
  • How will you know you've achieved this objective: When cycling gaps are addressed by city in actions and plans; when City adopts paths that cross multiple boundaries (such as the Great Blue Heron Way); when businesses and developments support biking by providing more storage, parking, etc.
Objective Two - Increase more participation in HUB Richmond/YVR
  • Action(s) to support: Community rides, community events/booths, meetings, focusing on actionable tasks in local committee meetings, online engagement (answering questions, discussions)
  • Benefits: To build a community who cares about biking in their city and to make HUB more visible in facilitating these connections and a resource that can direct their questions/concerns.
  • Lead person or co-leads: Donna, Jesse, Sue, Devyn, Anna
  • How will you know you've achieved this objective: If there is positive participation at events, online engagement, and meetings.
Objective Three - Education
  • Action(s) to support? Through short educational sessions at community rides, online discussions, emails to larger HUB Richmond/YVR group
  • Benefits: To increase understanding in community about issues related to cycling that may pertain to them.
  • Lead person or co-leads: Everyone
  • How will you know you've achieved this objective: If feedback is given by public or members at large about discussion or announcement topics


  • The new Multi-Use Path (MUP) on Cambie Rd from No. 3 Rd to River Rd (2021)
  • The new MUP on Charles St between Sexsmith Rd and the entrance to Bridgeport Station (2021)
  • The new MUP on Garden City Rd between Landsdowne Rd and Westminster Highway (2021)
  • Complete wayfinding on the entire Crosstown Route (2021)
  • Multi-use path added on Mccallan Road from River Road to Westminster Hwy (2017)
  • Upgrade of crosswalk at Westminster Highway at Mccallan Road to a pedestrian/ crossbike with bicycle detection (2016)
  • Neighbourhood bike route on Ash Street between Williams Road And Granville Ave (2016)
  • Addition of bike-activated lights at Ash St and Blundell intersection (2016)
  • Multi-use path added on the north side between May Drive and Garden City Road (2016)
  • Installation of a Steam Whistle Brewing Bike Repair Station at O'Hares Gastropub on Steveston Highway at Railway (2015)
  • Postponement of the removal of a bike lane along Granville Ave from City Hall (No. 3 Road) to Minoru (2015)
  • Green surface treatments on bike lanes - Cooney Rd, Granville Ave, Great Canadian Way (north of Bridgeport Road), Minoru Blvd, and Westminster Highway at No. 5 Road (2014-15).
  • Westminster Highway improvements in the vicinity of Gilley Rd and Smith Cr (2014)
  • Parkside Neighbourhood Link - protected multi-use pathway on Granville Ave between Ash St and Garden City Park (2014)
  • No. 6 Road Pathway, a 2-way off-street multi-use pathway, part of the Westminster Highway-Commerce Parkway road widening project (2014)
  • Ride the Road cycling education - HUB provided five-day in-class and playground-based bike courses to a total of 8 grade 4,5,6 & 7 students at two local schools, in cooperation with the Richmond School District and City of Richmond (2014)
  • Learn to Ride cycling education - HUB led a beginners course for recent immigrants residing in Richmond, in cooperation with Immigrant Services Society of BC and City of Richmond (2014)
  • Railway Avenue Greenway enhancements (2014)
  • Separated bike lane on Westminster Highway from Nelson to McMillan Way (2013-14)
  • Railway Avenue Greenway completed (2013)
  • Completed HUB Committee assessment rides of Shell Road, Canada Line Bridge connection, Tillbury Industrial Park, and the South Perimeter Road (2012-13)
  • Crabapple Ridge Bike Route - City of Richmond’s first neighbourhood bike route, a north-south local road route and off-street pathway between Terra Nova and Steveston (2012)
  • Richmond HUB Committee formed (2012)

2022 Municipal Elections Survey

Richmond Survey Results

Party/AffiliationCandidateDo you think that your city's elected officials are doing enough to address transportation needs of future generations in light of the climate crisis & increases in transportation costs?Will you work to ensure that everyone in your city has equitable access to safe cycling infrastructure?Will you vote in favour of infrastructure projects that separate bicycles from cars and pedestrians in areas of high cycling potential?The budget for bike infrastructure should...Will you be a champion for active transportation on council?
Malcolm Brodie (Mayor)NoYesYesIncreaseYes
Wei Ping Chen (Mayor)NoYesYesStay the sameYes
RITE Richmond
John Roston (Mayor)NoYesYesIncreaseYes
Jerome DickeyNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Michael WolfeNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Laura GillandersNoYesYesStay the sameYes
Carol DayNoYesYesIncreaseYes
ONE Richmond
Bill McNultyNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Alexa LooNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Richmond Community Coalition (RCCA)
Chak AuNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Rahim OthmanNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Richmond UnitedAndy HobbsNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Richmond Citizens (RCA)
Jack TrovatoNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Keefer PelechNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Richmond RISEKash HeedNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Evan DunfeeNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Adil AwanNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Mohamud Ali FarahNoYesYesIncreaseYes
Jasmine PiaoYesYesNoStay the sameNo


View candidates' long-form answers here.


Candidates that have endorsed our Cycling Platform

Chak Au, Adil Awan, Evan Dunfee, Mark Lee, Alexa Loo, Bill McNulty, Rahim Othman, Keefer Pelech, John Roston*, Jack Trovato

Incumbents underlined
*endorsement with reservations

View reservations here



Cycling Maps

The City of Richmond and TransLink have created maps of the cycling networks in Richmond/YVR to help all cyclists navigate safely and comfortably on their bikes. These maps are updated regularly to provide current information on cycling and show the comfort levels of each route based on how separated it is from traffic. PDF versions of the maps for Richmond/YVR are available at the links below. Cycling maps for other Metro Vancouver municipalities are available at


Cycling 'Hot Spots' in Richmond

As part of HUB's State of Cycling project, produced a series of maps highlighting conflict areas for cyclists across Metro Vancouver. See the map for 'hot spots' in Richmond. Please note that these maps show conflicts, but don't account for ridership levels. You can log conflicts/crashes and near misses on Help improve cycling infrastructure and close 'gaps' by getting involved with HUB's work in your area. See details above for the Richmond Local Committee. Special thanks to for all their help and assistance producing these maps.