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Parks Board Commissioner
Tom Digby
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Motion for a replacement permanent world-class bike lane would cost between $20 million to $50 million
Meeting Date:
Motion to remove much of the temporary bike lane on Park Drive as soon as possible
"There are hundreds and hundreds of people that have learned to love this bike lane. They're seniors. They are people with mobility challenges that use that lane because it's the only one that works for them in their hand cycles, and there is just so many reasons to keep this thing"
A, B, C prefered option eliminates hundreds and hundreds of cyclists who would otherwise use the park
Meeting Date:
Motion to remove much of the temporary bike lane on Park Drive as soon as possible
"But we are facing a time of climate crisis in our city, in our province, and in our planet, and biking is going to be one of the key solutions to it."
Removing the Stanley Park Bike Lane was not a campaign pledge of the ABC party in the recent municipal election
Meeting Date:
ABC Motion to Remove the Temporary Bike Lane from Stanley Park
" I've heard from some of you that this is an ABC campaign pledge that we're implementing tonight. For the clear public record, this motion was not a campaign pledge of the ABC party in the recent municipal election"
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