Select Quotes & Clips

  • Immediately remove the Temporary Bike Lane and study a future Dedicated Bike Lane

    Meeting Date:

    ABC Motion to Remove the Temporary Bike Lane from Stanley Park

    " we'd like to direct the staff to immediately restore the pre-COVID traffic and parking configuration on Stanley Park Drive in time for the upcoming December 2022 peak holiday season"

  • The park should be accessible to everyone, not just bikers

    Meeting Date:

    ABC Motion to Remove the Temporary Bike Lane from Stanley Park

    "we have a majority population that's concerned about accessibility into the park, a park that's meant for everyone that's living in Vancouver and otherwise in BC. So we had various opinions, and we've concluded, or I've concluded that accessibility to people that are disabled, families, seniors, and others should be, the park should be accessible to everyone, not just bikers. And having only one lane decreases accessibility"